Sunday 13 October 2024

ICSviewer 4.8 #icsviewer #ical #calendar #viewer #xojo #event #planning #planned #timeline

My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated

Bug fixes:

- Start at and End at times were formatted according to the time format in System Settings. This has been corrected, the times are now displayed according to the 24-hour notation.

- The time notation according to the System Settings has now been added to the From date and To date columns.

Friday 11 October 2024

RenameFiles 2.8 #renamefiles #rename #files #tools #utility #macos #windows #xojo

A new version of RenameFiles is now available:

(11 Oct 2024)

- Fixed bugs with removing, prepending and appending text of folder names and file names without an extension.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Webshop.stack v1.2.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver #webshop #onlineshop #onlinestore #yourhead #rapidweaver #realmac #webtools

webshop.stack Version 1.2.0 of the Webshop.stack was released on 6 October 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed: when Max Order = 0, it did not check the database stock, this is now fixed.

- Fixed: when Stock is less than 'Min.order size' in the Product's settings, a 'Sold out' message is now shonw.

- Renamed the 'English Localization' stack to 'General Localization', because it doesn't necessarily have to be English.

- Added a German, French, Spanish and Dutch localization stacks. It is now possible for your customers to display the webshop in English, German, French, Spanish or Dutch - when you added such sub-stacks under 'Localization'. Obviously we cannot translate your product descriptions.

- Added a field for the name of language in the Localization-stacks. The name is shown in the stack and is used for the language-menu for the webshop.

- Added a default language field to the stack's General-settings. This default will be used when no available language can be determined from the user's webbrowser.

- Added a language menu to the webshop, at the bottom of the Toolbar, with the default, or chosen, language selected. The customer can choose from the published languages. The choice is only valid for the duration of the session.

- Removed localized texts for webshop statistics. I am not going to implement statistics, one can do that via the Excel-exports from the admin-apps.

- Renamed the group 'Stock management Dashboard' to 'Webshop Management Apps'.

- Removed the 'Get push notifications'-checkbox from the group 'Webshop Management Apps'.

- Removed the 'First page'-selection from the group 'Webshop Management Apps'.

- Added a language field to the group 'Webshop Management Apps'. The chosen language will be used in the Webshop Management Applications.

- Added 'Remove all' to the shopping basket on the individual product page. When this action is chosen, the session is cleared and the user is redirected back to the first page of the catalog.

- Made the checkbox 'Allow orders?' in the Product's setting permanently visible, because on reflection it's a more general setting than being bound to the 'Stock available?'-checkbox.

- Improved CSS for the bottom button-bar in the checkout-section. With some themes, the Update/Next buttons became hidden from view.

- Fixed: Address-fields at checkout will be shown when shippable products have been added to cart, regardless if the Address-fields were set to be hidden.

- Fixed: Adding a coupon code to the database did not work and probably resulted in an 'expired' message.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

ICSviewer 4.7

My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated

Bug fixes:

- Serial number check API call fixed.

- Number of activations is now shwon in the 'About...' window.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Rhaa Lovely strips #rhaalovely #comic #stripboek #vintage

Ik kreeg van iemand een stapel Rhaa Lovely's uit de jaren 80 van de vorige eeuw, de nummers 1 t/m 18.
Ik heb ze ingescand, enkel de verhalen die ik het leukste vind.

Hier is het overzicht en hier kan je ze downloaden

Monday 8 April 2024

Echeveria avagoides (succulente)

In 2016 geleden heb ik bij de ALDI een pot met de Echeveria avagoides (succulente) gekocht.
En plotseling, na 8 jaar, begint deze te bloeien! Zie hier ...

In 2016 I bought a pot of Echeveria avagoides (succulent) at ALDI.
And suddenly, after 8 years, it starts to bloom! See here ...