Thursday 2 August 2018

ICSviewer 3.6

My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.6

What has changed:

- A new preference where you can set a predefined date range as startup. When you change the preference, the new date range is used immediately, so you do not have to quit & restart ICSviewer.
- When you enter a new date in 'From date' which is newer than the date in 'To date', 'To date' is automatically adjusted to the end of the month of 'From date'. And vice-versa, 'From date' is automatically changed to the first of the month of 'To date' when you pick a 'To date' which is earlier than 'From date'.
- The 'Year'-popup menu in the popup-calendar has been extended from 2039 to 2099.