Monday, 22 December 2014

E-Mail to Evernote

I fixed some other flaws in my version of the Send E-Mail to Evernote.scpt:

Update 22 dec 2014:
- I repaired a situation where a piece of a HTML-email 'header' is no header, but contains a <style> … </style> segment, which contains semi-colons and which does not contain ampersands. And that is where the script crashed. This is the case with 'Order confirmation'-emails coming from DAZ 3D. I added the test if the part does also not contain a } and then it went through. Fixed. Now wait for the next email-formatting-idiocrazy for which the script has no solution.

See also my previous posts regarding this script.

ICSviewer updated to 2.2

The ical calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 2.2.

A crash when no DTEND entry was present has been repaired. This seems to be possible with Google Calendar events.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


Today I implemented my new SwitchAds account on this page and the sitemap page. It works by placing an ad, like Google AdSense, but if no bidder for your space was found, SwitchAds places your asynchronous Google AdSense code in that space.

Sounds great, now let’s wait and see …

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Leer jezelf programmeren

Ik zag dat mijn ooit geschreven boeken en artikelen nog niet op de site stonden. Lang geleden heb ik een poging ondernomen het boek 'Leer jezelf programmeren' uit te geven, is niet gelukt: het was te algemeen. Nu dus gratis te downloaden!

Klik hier voor de eerste twee publicaties…

Ik zal eens kijken wat ik nog meer aan interessante artikelen heb liggen die te 'veralgemeniseren' zijn, zodat u ze kunt gebruiken in uw projecten.