Friday, 3 November 2017

ICSviewer 3.2

The ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.2.

What is new:
- New: Added shareware serial number.
- New: Now also as a 64bit application on MacOS X and Windows.
- New: Added MySQL export for users who donated:
  • A Preferences window for:
    - MySQL connection settings
    - mapping columns from the display with columns from the MySQL table
  • An export button 'Export to MySQL' to export the calendar data directly into the MySQL table

What has changed:
- Handling of saving the states of the checkboxes has been fixed.
- Renamed the 'Export...' button to 'Export to CSV...'
- Default values for From date / To date are now the first / current day of the current month
- The selected sort-column is now saved.
- Long lines (description, dtstart/dtend) are now handled correctly.
- ICS file is now read once, not on every date-range change.
- Various code improvements.

What has changed:
- Bug fix: loading another .ics file did not reset the table.

What has changed:
- Bug fix MySQL export: concatenation-character ' | ' was added regardless.