Version 1.2.0 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 16 March 2018
If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .
Changes, additions and fixes:
- You can now change FontAwesome icons. There is a new section, called 'FontAwesome Icons', where the checkbox has been moved to and input fields are added where you can change the icons, supported by Stacks :
- The RSS-feed link now links to XML data, generated by the Blogspot.stack, on your own webpage. The XML data is pulled from Blogger and the links to your Blogger-posts are changed so they point to your webpage's blog. When you have chosen to filter the posts by category or categories, the RSSfeed data is also filtered by those same categories.
- Added a blank option to the 'Time format'-popup menu. When chosen, only the post's date will be shown.
- Removed the 'Show RSS link'-checkbox. If you want to list the RSS link, place the 'Blogspot RSS Feed link'-stack where you want it, or use the code snippet.
- Removed the 'Enable categories'-checkbox. If you want to list the list of categories, place the 'Blogspot Categories'-stack where you want it, or use the code snippet.
- Added CSS to .blog-entry and .blog-entry-body classes, so the use of float and other styles do not affect the layout.
- Version number in edit-mode now shows the actual version number.
- Some oddity with server locales / timezones when formatting the archive dates correctly has been fixed.
- A problem with detecting if Blogger is reachable has been fixed.
- Some problems with showing Blogger or Disqus comments have been fixed.
- The localized string for 'Comments' was not used with Disqus comments. Fixed.
- Some problems with displaying UTF8 characters in localization strings have been fixed.
- Changed all HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs where appropriate
Read the user manual for more info on how to use the code snippets.