A new version of
RenameFiles is now available:
(11 Jan 2023)
Translation fixes
Dual pane: see what will happen before you click on 'Process'
To remove a file from the list: select the line and press a delete key.
Localized for EN (default), FR, DE, IT, ES and NL.
Improved checks on file naming and various bug fixes.
Added the possibility to use Regex for replacing text in the file name.
Added the possibility to place a sequence number in the file name.
Increased the row height for better readability.
Use the up/down arrow keys to in-/decrement numeric fieds.
Reading of files and folders with special characters is improved.
Replaced the large text field with a list box.
Added 'Remove from - to' positions. Removing text takes place in the file name part, excluding the extension.