Friday, 9 February 2024

Webshop.stack v1.0.6 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.6 of the Webshop.stack was released on 9 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- When testing your webshop locally, you can now clear the cart's session contents by checking 'Enable maintenance mode', click the 'Preview'-eye, and then uncheck 'Enable maintenance mode'. New products are only added to the database once per user-session, to prevent unnecessary reading of the database at each page load; so when the session is cleared, a new user-session is initiated and thus will the database be updated.

- Fixed the Time Zone in the API file. It now reads the Time Zone from the Webshop's settings.

- Fixed a bug that would prevent products from showing up, when 'Webshop -> Catalog -> Page numbers' was set to 'Bottom'.

- Fixed a bug that would display a wrong month in the product's JSON-LD.

- Added headings 'Discounts' (is also the default) and 'Costs' (is also the default) in the Cart-localization settings.

- Added heading 'Customer' (is also the default) in the Admin-localization settings.

- Added the first admin page: /files/wsaorders.php (see Stock Management Dashboard for more info).

- Added translateable texts and date/time formats to the 'Localization' substack, in the 'Admin'-section.

- Removed some texts from the 'Admin'-section in the 'Localization' substack, because those were never going to be used.