A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:
- Added 'Preferences...' menu-option.
New (renaming files):
- Added preferences with which you can set the search order of EXIF date/time and image number fields for renaming files. This way you can tell SetEXIFData exactly which EXIF fields to look for first, and if not present the next one, and so on.
- Added a preference where you can specify the minimum number of digits for the image number to use while renaming. Smaller numbers are prepended with zeros to match the number of digits you specified. For example, 15, formatted with 5 digits, becomes 00015.
New (geotag):
- Added a preference where you can set the default geo-coordinates to start with when you click the 'Geotag'-button.
- If while renaming files using '%x', no EXIF image number fields are found, '%x' will be replaced by 'minimum # of digits' zeros.
- Certain RAW formats were not accepted by SetEXIFData. The following photo extensions are now accepted: 3fr, ari, ciff, cr2, crw, cs1, dcr, dcs, dng, eps, epsf, erf, fff, gif, icm, jng, jp2, jpeg, jpg, jpx, mdc, mef, mie, mng, mos, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, pbm, pef, pgm, png, ppm, ps, psd, ptx, r3d, raf, rw2, rwl, sr2, srf, srw, thm, tif, tiff, vrd, x3f, xmp
Note: although now you can drag and drop certain RAW file types on SetEXIFData, not all of these are supported by EXIFtool for writing back to. Check Phil's site for the 'Supported File Types'-table.