Tuesday, 3 January 2017

SetEXIFData 5.5

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


Due to an updated code environment (latest Xojo and latest MBS plugins), a few changes were needed.

- Show/Hide Info toolbar button is no more.
- The drawer-window used for previews is also gone. Xojo does not support these anymore.

- Each preview now opens in its own window, which means you can now visually compare EXIF-data of multiple images at the same time. All preview windows are automatically closed when processing or starting over.

- Increased the font size back to the system-default.
- The geo-tagging window doesn't close when 'Set startup' is clicked. Instead, the button is disabled. To set new startup coordinates, close and reopen the geo-tagging window.
- Implemented an improved map browser, which now uses webkit per default. It updates the map correctly while dragging or zooming.