Monday, 20 February 2012


I just edited the tag mv_timeMenu on tagSwap. Because copy/paste on tagSwap does something with line endings that makes much code end up all being on one line, I post the routine here too. Simply copy & paste.

  Creates a list of time values inside a <select></select>. Example:
  <select name="xyz" class="abc" id="def">
  [mv_timeMenu(-fromHour=800, -toHour=2300, -minutes=25, -selected=$db_value]
define_tag('mv_timeMenu', -optional='fromhour', -copy, -optional='tohour', -copy, -optional='minutes', -copy, -optional='selected', -copy, -optional='firstblank', -EncodeNone);
  local('result' = '', 'p' = 0, 'z' = 0, 'h' = 0, 'm' = 0, 'y' = 0, 'f' = false);

  if(! local_defined('firstblank'));
    local('firstblank' = 0);
  else(integer(#firstblank) <= 0);
    #firstblank = 0;
  #firstblank = integer(#firstblank);

  if(! local_defined('fromhour'));
    local('fromhour' = 0);
  else(integer(#fromhour) <= 0);
    #fromhour = 0;
  #fromhour = integer(#fromhour);

  if(! local_defined('tohour'));
    local('tohour' = 2359);
  else(integer(#tohour) <= 0 || integer(#tohour) >= 2400);
    #tohour = 2359;
  #tohour = integer(#tohour);

  if(! local_defined('minutes'));
    local('minutes' = 15);
  else(integer(#minutes) <= 0);
    #minutes = 15;
  #minutes = integer(#minutes);
    #result = '<option value="" ';
      if(#selected == '');
        #result += ' selected="selected"';
    #result += '></option>';
  // Calculate correct starting point
  #z = #fromhour;
  #h = integer(#z / 100);      // Take hours-part
  #m = #z - (#h * 100);      // Take minutes-part
  #y = integer(#m / #minutes);  // Calculate how many times the frequency fits

  // Calculate new minutes-starting-point
  if(#m == (#y * #minutes));
    #m = #y * #minutes;
    #m = (#y + 1) * #minutes;
  #y = integer(#m / 60);      // Calculate how many hours minutes-starting-point contains
  #h += #y;            // Add those hours to the hours-part
  #m -= (#y * 60);        // Subtract the hours from minutes-starting-point
  #z = (#h * 100) + #m;      // Construct new time

  #p = 0;
  #f = false;
  while(#z <= #tohour);
    #result += '<option value="' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '####', 'R') + '" ';
      if(!#f && #selected != '' && #selected >= #p && #selected <= #z);
        #result += ' selected="selected"';
        #f = true;
    #result += '>' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '##:##', 'R') + '</option>';

    #p = #z;        // Save previous time
    #h = integer(#z / 100);  // Take hours-part
    #m = #z - (#h * 100);  // Take minutes-part
    #m += #minutes;      // Add interval to the minutes to get total-minutes
    #y = integer(#m / 60);  // Calculate how many hours total-minutes contains
    #h += #y;        // Add those hours to the hours-part
    #m -= (#y * 60);    // Subtract the hours from total-minutes
    #z = (#h * 100) + #m;  // Construct new time


Thursday, 16 February 2012

Foto: Glowing Cave

Glowing Cave

Glowing Cave

I created this poster on my iPhone 4 with the Phoster-app. The only post processing was to lighten it a bit, with Preview.
To view my original image used in the poster, click the poster.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

'Transfer services from server to server' mind map

Using mind maps to follow your thoughts and track your findings is really a superb experience, every time again. And especially MindMeister, because it is 'in the cloud', i.e. web-based and can be accessed from anywhere and almost anything.

Every one of my personal projects goes into MindMeister if it involves more than just a few scribbles. In this mind map, I have noted all steps I must take, with all peculiarities that arise in the process, to transfer web sites and services from one server to another, in this case from a virtual CentOS server to a co-located MacMini Server from 2011. Mind you, the MacMini Server is no toy anymore - it is blazing fast!

I find this mind map quite interesting and since I am not the only one in the world doing stuff like this, I thought I'd share it so you, reader, might find the information in it somehow useful.


Friday, 10 February 2012


Browsing the wines in our supermarket, I stumbled across a wine that really stood out: Slurp! Since I am always in to try something new, especially bio-/eco-wines and their statement on the label, I went for it. Well, a super wine! I can really recommend this one! The label is transparent and I used a blue background while scanning, so the text would be pleasantly readable. slurp

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

De Saint 0483 - De Saint trekt westwaarts

En weer eens een gedigitaliseerde Saint: De Saint trekt westwaarts

Veel leesplezier!

download Download het boek vanaf mijn Dropbox account. Dit is een voor iedereen toegankelijke map.
