Thursday, 18 November 2021

SetEXIFData 9.9

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

(18 November 2021)

Fix & Workaround:
  • Due to bug in Xojo with setting the Finder's modified/created dates (they are set 1 hour or 1 hour and 40 minutes ahead), '/usr/bin/setfile' is now used, when it is installed. If not installed, you can install it by installing the Xcode Developer Tools, if you encounter the problem. It seems the bug is fixed in today's release of Xojo, but I will test this first, before relasing v10.0.

  • Open Terminal and copy/paste : xcode-select --install

  • For better version tracking, I added the necessary info at the top in the 'About...' text field.
  • Wednesday, 17 November 2021

    Install CentOS 8 / Stream in Parallels Desktop #centos #parallels #macos

    I wrote a short how-to on how to create CentOS 8 VM in Parallels Desktop for Mac, for local development and testing.

    Tuesday, 2 November 2021

    SetEXIFData 9.8

    A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

    (02 November 2021)

  • Min. and max. Focal lengths did not accept decimal values. This is now fixed.
  • Typing a comma in Min. and max. Focal lengths and Apertures will now be converted to a dot.

  • Tuesday, 26 October 2021

    Use HTTPS with 'localhost' on macOS Big Sur #macos #ssl #https #localhost

    I needed local HTTPS for app-development, because 'Cleartext HTTP traffic to localuser not permitted'.
    My local website development domain is called 'localuser' instead of using 'localhost'.

    So I wrote down what to do and made it into a webpage: Use HTTPS with localhost on macOS 11.6 Big Sur or higher

    When you've followed the steps, you get this:

    Wednesday, 15 September 2021

    The Blogspot.stack 1.3.3 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

    Version 1.3.3 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 14 Sep 2021

    If you purchased this stack, you can download the latest version via your Paddle account.
    If not, you can read more about it here .

    Changes, additions and fixes:
    • Removed an in PHP 7.3 deprecated parameter. Not to worry, the code still works on older PHP-versions.

    Wednesday, 1 September 2021

    SetEXIFData 9.7

    A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

    (01 September 2021)

  • Using tags via the 'EXIF / IPTC / XMP Tags' preference setting, in combination with any other setting, resulted in the last tag having the first other setting appended. This now fixed.

  • Monday, 2 August 2021

    ICSviewer 4.5 #icsviewer #ical #calendar #viewer #xojo #event #planning #planned #timeline

    My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated

    Bug fixes:

    - Some dates from 'DTSTART;VALUE=…' were not processed correctly.

    Bug fixes:

    - The app would crash when exporting a CSV into a non-writeable folder. When this happens, you'll now get an error message.

    Wednesday, 14 July 2021

    ICSviewer 4.3

    My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated

    Bug fixes:

    - Some .ics fies seem to lack the time behind the date. That woud crash the app. When no time is present, 12:00:00 is taken as default.

    Thursday, 17 June 2021

    Mijn kookboek met verzamelde recepten #recepten #kookboek #koken #eten #drinken

    Als sinds 1976 verzamel ik bepaalde recepten, destijds uit Avenue, dingen die ik zelf maak(te) en uit andere tijdschriften. Deze verwerkte ik de jaren 80, toen de eerste Mac uitkwam, in RagTime, zodat ik ze digitaal op een floppy had opgeslagen. Later heb ik ze vanuit RagTime naar FileMaker overgeheveld en tevens als PDF's op mijn oude websites ter download gehad. Nog veel later had ik alles overgeheveld naar Evernote, om bijvoorbeeld via Evernote deze notes te delen op mijn website. Dat ging niet echt, en Evernote paste steeds hun software ter verslechtering aan, dus toen moest ik wat anders.

    Ik heb sinds 2013 een eigen server bij ANU Internet en vorig jaar heb ik alles naar MySQL op mijn server overgeheveld. In mijn administratie-omgeving ('back-office') heb ik een onderhoudsprogrammaatje waarmee ik foto's kan toevoegen (want die zijn door de jaren heen verloren gegaan) en de teksten kan bewerken.

    En vandaag heb ik daar dan eindelijk ook een pagina voor gemaakt binnen mijn website: Eten & Drinken
    Nog niet 'mooi', maar wel functioneel. Neem er eens een kijkje.

    The Blogspot.stack 1.3.2 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

    Version 1.3.2 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 16 Jun 2021

    If you purchased this stack, you can download the latest version via your Paddle account.
    If not, you can read more about it here .

    Changes, additions and fixes:
    • Removed an error that occurred before building the categories-list, when you have no categories.

    Friday, 21 May 2021

    SetEXIFData 9.6

    A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

    (23 February 2021)

  • In the 'Preferences...' -> 'File Rename settings' -> 'EXIF date fields search order', a new field CreationDate has been added:
  • HandbrakePM 2.4

    A new version of HandbrakePM, the batch video conversion tool based on the famous HandBrake video converter, is now available:

    v2.4 (14-may-2021)
    - Added CLI option to always retain audio tracks.

    Monday, 3 May 2021

    HandbrakePM 2.3

    A new version of HandbrakePM, the batch video conversion tool based on the famous HandBrake video converter, is now available:

    v2.3 (03-may-2021)
    - Fixed reading user-defined presets from the Handbrake-app; they were listed twice.
    - Extensions changed from .m4v/.mp4 to a popup menu with m4v/mp4/mkv/webm.

    Thursday, 29 April 2021

    HandbrakePM 2.2

    A new version of HandbrakePM, the batch video conversion tool based on the famous HandBrake video converter, is now available:

    v2.2 (29-apr-2021)
    - Added reading user-defined presets from the Handbrake-app, works with Handbrake v1.3 and higher, perhaps also lower. If found, they will appear at the end of the Presets-popup menu. Read more about it here.
    - Version number and copyright year in the Splash-window are now always current.
    - Compiled as a Universal Binary for Intel and the M1
    - Added a Paypal-donate button.

    Monday, 1 March 2021

    Apple Mail to Markdown #apple #mail #email #markdown #applescript #joplin #backup #cloudstorage

    Import your Apple Mail emails into Joplin with my Send E-Mail to Markdown script:.

    Feel free to improve it!

    Friday, 26 February 2021

    Direct URL 3.4 #directurl #ssb #kioskbrowser #webbrowser #internet #xojo #website #browser

    A new version of Direct URL, my Site Specific Browser (SSB), is now available.


    The application has been compiled to run in 64bit mode on macOS Intel / ARM as a Universal Binary and 64bit mode in Windows.

    The 32bit versions are now obsolete.

    Tuesday, 23 February 2021

    SetEXIFData 9.5

    A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

    (23 February 2021)

  • SetEXIFData is now compiled as a Universal Binary for Intel 64bit and Apple's ARM.
  • Retrieve the Date/Time from Folder name. This option looks for a valid date in each folder name in the path, bottom to top, according to the given search-pattern.
  • Saving the location as a preference via geotagging was broken in v9.3 / v9.4 an now works again.
  • The default rename pattern has now been set to: '%d_%t_%x.%n'.
  • Thursday, 28 January 2021

    SetEXIFData 9.4

    A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

    (28 January 2021)

  • Geotagging was broken in v9.3 an now works again. The newer version of Xojo I used, needed another plugin to get the geodata.
  • Subseconds/sequence number when used with an interval and initially left zero, the Subseconds/sequence number of the first image would not be set to zero.
  • Tuesday, 26 January 2021

    SetEXIFData 9.3

    A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

    (26 January 2021)

  • Question marks in 'Add other tags' kept being added, even after clearing a field.

    Note: In this version, GeoTagging is broken. Please download the latest version v9.4.