Monday, 31 December 2018

'The Age of Mammals Mural' postcards, Peabody Museum 1975 #postcard #1975 #ansichtkaart #memories #history #geschiedenis #dinosaurs #dinosaurus #prehistorie #prehistoric

While cleaning up my old father's things, I came across these old postcards. We also had the wall posters of 3 meters long, but I do not know where these are now. Otherwise I would've digitized them also.

You can download the high-res versions here .

Friday, 21 December 2018

SetEXIFData 7.2

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

(21 Dec 2018)

- The problem with the missing last characters when displaying EXIF data has been resolved.
- AFAICT, the problems with path- and file-names with special characters on non-Mac disks (FAT, exFAT and NTFS) have been fixed.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.5 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

Version 1.2.5 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 04 October 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:
  • Some single quotes caused a crash with PHP 5.3 when using the Interblog-feature.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

SetEXIFData 7.1

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

(12 Sep 2018)


- The %y option in 'Retrieve Date/Time from file name' has changed.
  • %Y (uppercase) reads max 4 digits.
  • %y (lowercase) reads max 2 digits.
Remember: SetEXIFData does not know what is a year or month or... it just reads digits up to the maximum for the current attribute or the first non-digit.

Example 1: 80-09-12 -> %Y will read 80 and add 1900 = 1980
Example 2: 80-09-12 -> %y will read 80 and add 1900 = 1980

Example 3: 1980-09-12 -> %Y will read 1980
Example 4: 1980-09-12 -> %y will read 19 and add 2000 = 2019 and because the next two digits are treated as the month, 80, a completely wrong date will be generated.

Example 5: 800912 -> %Y will read 8009 and because the month will be 12 and the day therefore 0, it will generate a completely wrong date.
Example 6: 800912 -> %y will read 80 and add 1900 = 1980

Example 7: 19800912 -> %Y will read 1980
Example 8: 19800912 -> %y will read 19 and add 2000 = 2019 and because the next two digits are treated as the month, 80, a completely wrong date will be generated.

- The Finder's Date Created and Date Modified, when checked, will not be touched when images have dates from 1969 or before.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Kitchen Sink / Gootsteen #art #photo #abstract #kunst #image #foto #afbeelding

Photo and manipulation by me, background artwork from some clip-art library, borders made with ImageFramer.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.4 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

Version 1.2.4 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 04 September 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:
  • Texts with wrong information in supporting stacks have been removed.
  • The 999 number of posts when a category was clicked, has been fixed. Now, the number of posts to show from the settings is used.
  • The link 'See older posts' is now enclosed in a DIV and does not float right of a small blog post any more.
  • RSSFeed.stack has been updated to v1.1.0:
    • A new setting has been introduced to show or hide the 'Copy' button. When enabled and the user clicks this button, the RSS Feed link is copied to the user's clipboard.

SetEXIFData 7.0

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

(03 Sep 2018)

  • A crash has been fixed which occurred when selecting a saved Artist & Copyright preset.

Monday, 3 September 2018

ICSviewer 3.7

My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.7

Bug fixes:

- A hang with the new initial date-range preference setting 'Current month' has been fixed.
- The possibility to use the new initial date-range preference setting has been fixed.
- Various UI improvements in the preferences window.

Thursday, 2 August 2018

ICSviewer 3.6

My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.6

What has changed:

- A new preference where you can set a predefined date range as startup. When you change the preference, the new date range is used immediately, so you do not have to quit & restart ICSviewer.
- When you enter a new date in 'From date' which is newer than the date in 'To date', 'To date' is automatically adjusted to the end of the month of 'From date'. And vice-versa, 'From date' is automatically changed to the first of the month of 'To date' when you pick a 'To date' which is earlier than 'From date'.
- The 'Year'-popup menu in the popup-calendar has been extended from 2039 to 2099.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Bloedmaan / Blood moon #bloedmaan #bloodmoon #maan #moon #fenomeen #phenomena #astronomie #astronomy #zutphen

Op 28 juli 2018, vanaf 21:17 uur was in Zutphen een Bloedmaan zichtbaar. Ziehier een reeks foto's, gemaakt met mijn Panasonic Lumix GF6 t/m 23:57 uur:

On the 28th of July 2018 was a Blood Moon visible in Zutphen, Netherlands. Below a series of photos from 21:17h until 23:57h, taken with my Panasonic Lumix GF6:

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Beuk remt eik / Beech impedes oak #beuk #eik #boom #tree #beech #oak #roots

Wat die beuk hier met die eik van plan is ...

What that beech is planning to do with that oak ...

Monday, 16 July 2018

Zonk & Stronk #stripboek #comic #zwartwit #sjors #dordrecht #eenmalig #uniek #stripdag #1976

Een jaar geleden vond ik dit stripboek Zonk & Stronk in een kringloopwinkel in Loenen.

Het, voor mij, bijzondere aan deze strip is dat hij is uitgegeven door stripantiquariaat Sjors uit Dordrecht, waar ik vroeger, toen ik in Dordrecht woonde, heel vaak strips ging kopen als ik mijn salaris weer ontvangen had.

Aangezien ik al mijn strips nu gedigitaliseerd heb, heb ik ook deze ingescand en aan de verzameling toegevoegd.

Download Zonk & Stronk als .cbz

De strip is uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de Stripdag in Gouda op 18 September 1976.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Move The Creator 7 assets folders to Dropbox on macOS X #creator7 #laughingbird #dropbox #lbsoftware

When you use The Creator 7 to make logos and banners, you are bound by the software to use the folders
~/Documents/Laughingbird Documents/Logo Elements
~/Documents/Laughingbird Documents/Logo Libraries

I have got the solution to moving these two assets folders to, in my case, Dropbox and still use The Creator 7.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Updated Tools for ILE/RPG on IBM Power System aka IBM System i aka eServer aka iSeries aka AS/400 #as400 #i5 #iseries #systemi #ibm #tools #ilerpg #programming #coding

I have updated my tools for the IBM Power Systems, aka AS400, ILERPG environment.
The tools , when compiled, run for sure on V5R2M0 or higher.
  • E$EXP - /COPY replacement for all types of source codes (ILERPG, DDS, CLP, HLP, MNU, etc.)
  • E$LIB - Various tools
  • E$LNG - Tool to make RPG applications, including subfiles in display files, language independent

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Abstractions by me

Al heel lang hangt er een schilderij van mij in huis, wat ik maakte toen ik 5 jaar oud was. Ik herinner mij nog hoe ik de kinderen die vĆ³Ć³r mij zaten te schilderen (we gebruikten een schildersezel, jawel!) keurig huisje, boompje en beestje probeerden op papier te krijgen. Nou, dacht ik, toen al dus, daar doe ik niet aan mee! Ziehier het resultaat.

For a long time already there hangs a painting of me in the house, which I made when I was 5 years old. I still remember how the children who were painting in front of me (we used an easel, yes!) tried to get a neat little house, tree and animal on paper. Well, I thought, then already, that is not where I want to be a part of! Here is the result.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Setup your local macOS X web server #apache #macos #macosx #webserver #localhost #webdevelopment

I've put together a page where I describe how you can setup a web development environment with two or more Apple Macs.

If you are a web developer working on Apple Macs, you sure do want to use the macOS X built-in web server, Apache, on all your Macs. And you want to be able to access your Sites folder, local web documents folder and your other Mac via HTTP.

I'll describe how to set it up on macOS High Sierra (10.13.5). If you're on a previous version of macOS X, not to worry, the steps to take are practically identical. Read on ...

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.3 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

Version 1.2.3 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 05 June 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • Fix that caused an unexpected '[' on some installations of PHP v5.4 or lower.
  • Fix that caused an unrecognised constants SORT_NATURAL and SORT_FLAG_CASE on PHP v5.3 or lower. If PHP 5.3 or lower, SORT_STRING is used.
  • Added a META tag in the HEAD-section which contains the actual PHP-version.

Monday, 4 June 2018

HandbrakePM 1.8

A new version of HandbrakePM, the batch video conversion tool based on the famous HandBrake video converter, is now available:

v1.8 (4-jun-2018)
- HandBrakeCLI updated to v1.1.0
- Fixes version number check.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Installing SSDs in my MacBook Pro

Here's a picture of when I replaced a 512GB Crucial SSD with a 2TB Samsung SSD in my mid-2012 MacBook Pro, the MacBook Pro-series where you can still do-this-yourself.
I found it a nice sort of 'still life', that's why I took the picture.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

1977 GVB Amsterdam 4-rittenkaart 3 zones

Bij het digitaal archiveren van mijn papierkraam, stuitte ik op deze, ongestempelde 4-rittenkaart uit 1977. Deze kreeg ik destijds toen ik voor de oriƫntatie welke richting de dienstplicht voor mij zou worden o.i.d. werd opgeroepen.

Friday, 20 April 2018

Monday, 16 April 2018

Rebhan's Kaaslei

Vorig jaar verbleef ik een week in Rebhan's Hotel in Neukenroth en daar bestelde ik als nagerecht een kaasplank. Het werd geen plank, het werd een leiplaat. Vrolijk gearrangeerde, lekkere stukjes kaas, tomaat, pistachenootjes en croutons. Een leuk idee om thuis ook zo de kaas op te dienen:

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Finca Carrascal D.O.P. CariƱena red wine #wine #wein #vin #drinks #nuernberg #norma

German supermarkets, even if the outside looks incredible cheap, can have some pretty nice wines on their shelves.

When I was in NĆ¼rnberg last year, I found a very good Spanish wine in the Norma supermarket, the Finca Carrascal D.O.P. CariƱena. Get it when you visit Germany!

In Germany, the wine is also available via Norma's online shop .

Friday, 30 March 2018

I love the invention of virtualization

Click image to enlarge!

Monday, 19 March 2018

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.1 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

Version 1.2.1 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 19 March 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • When using Disqus, you can now have the number of comments shown, in each post.
  • Categories, archives and the RSS-feed would not render with some PHP installations. Reason: on those servers PHP is not allowed to fetch data via regular PHP commands. This has been fixed by using HTTP requests.

Friday, 16 March 2018

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

Version 1.2.0 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 16 March 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • You can now change FontAwesome icons. There is a new section, called 'FontAwesome Icons', where the checkbox has been moved to and input fields are added where you can change the icons, supported by Stacks :
  • The RSS-feed link now links to XML data, generated by the Blogspot.stack, on your own webpage. The XML data is pulled from Blogger and the links to your Blogger-posts are changed so they point to your webpage's blog. When you have chosen to filter the posts by category or categories, the RSSfeed data is also filtered by those same categories.
  • Added a blank option to the 'Time format'-popup menu. When chosen, only the post's date will be shown.
  • Removed the 'Show RSS link'-checkbox. If you want to list the RSS link, place the 'Blogspot RSS Feed link'-stack where you want it, or use the code snippet.
  • Removed the 'Enable categories'-checkbox. If you want to list the list of categories, place the 'Blogspot Categories'-stack where you want it, or use the code snippet.
  • Added CSS to .blog-entry and .blog-entry-body classes, so the use of float and other styles do not affect the layout.
  • Version number in edit-mode now shows the actual version number.
  • Some oddity with server locales / timezones when formatting the archive dates correctly has been fixed.
  • A problem with detecting if Blogger is reachable has been fixed.
  • Some problems with showing Blogger or Disqus comments have been fixed.
  • The localized string for 'Comments' was not used with Disqus comments. Fixed.
  • Some problems with displaying UTF8 characters in localization strings have been fixed.
  • Changed all HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs where appropriate

Read the user manual for more info on how to use the code snippets.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

SetEXIFData 6.8

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:

(14 Mar 2018)

  • For video files that are recognized as such by macOS, the following dates are now updated also: ModifyDate, TrackCreateDate, TrackModifyDate, MediaCreateDate and MediaModifyDate. These all get the 'create date' date.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Install CentOS 6 in Parallels Desktop for Mac

Recently I needed a bare-minimum CentOS 6 Linux environment to test Lasso and PHP-scripts for possible errors. If those scripts will run here, they'll probably run everywhere.

I've written down the steps I had to take and posted them on this webpage , to make it easier for you if you also need such a virtual Linux machine.